ShortBookandScribes #BookReview – The Book of Silly Rhymes by Cheryl Lee-White, illustrated by Louise Rarity @bluefalconpub @thesimplemum #ChildrensBooks
It’s children’s books day on my blog today. Do take a look at my posts for Greedy Gertie and Don’t Drink the Pink.
My thanks to Claire from Blue Falcon Publishing for sending me a review copy of The Book of Silly Rhymes.
Do you chuckle, chortle or cackle? Are you more likely to smirk secretly, sneak out a snigger, or would you prefer to belt out a big belly laugh? Do you howl like a monkey, roar like a lion or snort like a pig?
However you get the giggles, this hilarious collection of rude, ridiculous and rambunctious rhymes is sure to tickle your funny bone!
The Book of Silly Rhymes is a collection of poems written to amuse and delight children in equal measure. Each rhyme is short, and can be read quickly and in any order with the aim of appealing to reluctant readers. The text has been printed in a font designed to be easily read by those with dyslexia.
I’ve said it before, but I do love a rhyme and this book is full of them, silly ones, rude ones and fun ones. There are lots of rhymes about the sort of thing that kids find hilarious like Toby Eats His Bogies and A Boy Called Ned who wore pants on his head.
Each rhyme is accompanied by an illustration that perfectly mirrors what it’s all about and I can see that this is a very appealing book for children. It also has a font which is apparently easily read for those with dyslexia. I can’t comment personally on that but it’s certainly an easy to read, clear font for me.
One thing I would say is that there are a few poems about school along the lines of School is Boring, and ones that comment on not liking sports or the swimming pool being slimy. As an adult looking back I completely agree but we try to be positive with our son and to not encourage any negative thoughts about school. It’s a very minor thing though and overall I think any kid would derive great hilarity from the rhymes in this book.
This is an almost pocket-sized book of short and longer rhymes with something for every occasion. Very entertaining and amusing.
Raised in Epsom, Surrey, Cheryl now lives in Taunton with her partner and three beautiful girls aged 10, 8, and 6. A love of reading, inspired by travel books and non-fiction biographies, led to a desire to write – more specifically, to write for her children. Cheryl blogs about her life with her girls and often includes self-penned rhymes for her readers, so a rhyming children’s book seemed the obvious choice!
Cheryl also has a love of photography, and although she currently works as an administrator her ambition is to achieve her dream of being a professional writer, blogger and photographer.
Pete the Cheeky Parakeet was published in October 2018. A light-hearted and fun story about a bird with a bad attitude, it carries a message for young readers about the importance of friendship and compassion. Cheryl is currently working on her second publication, The Book of Silly Rhymes.
Pete the Cheeky Parakeet, a rhyming picture book, was published in October 2018.
The Book of Silly Rhymes is currently being illustrated and is due for release in 2019.
You can find out more about Cheryl and read her blog at www.thesimplemum.com. She is also on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
Author bio and photo taken from the Blue Falcon Publishing website.
This sounds so cute and fun! Lovely review 🙂
Thanks, Meggy. It’s a jolly read.