Review Policy


I have a crazy amount of books to read so I may not accept many books for review through this blog. However, if I’m offered a book by a publisher or author I have already read and enjoyed or I really like the sound of a book then I’m likely to accept. Please do not be offended if I turn down an offer to review your book – it will be nothing personal, just a lack of time and maybe the wrong genre. If you do contact me and you don’t hear from me within a week then please take it that I am unable to review your book at the present time.

Please do take a look at the kind of books I read and check if your book is likely to appeal to me before making contact.

Please note that I do not take eBooks (any book read electronically including ePub and pdf) or audiobooks for review. 

If you are an author getting in touch and I choose to accept your book for review, please note that my current lead time from receipt of the book to review is anything up to 12 months unless a specific date for review is agreed beforehand (e.g. for blog tours or campaigns).

In terms of the books I like to read, I like contemporary, literary and women’s fiction, sagas, crime and psychological thrillers. I also like some time travel but am not a fan of sci-fi and fantasy in general. I’m also not a fan of translated fiction, action/adventure type books, cosy crime, horror or short stories, and I no longer review children’s books.

I am professional and reliable and if I say I will do something then I will do it. You will see that my blog is primarily review based now but I do occasionally still enjoy posting the odd guest post, extract and Q&A, and participating in occasional blog tours. I’m more likely to do a content post if I’ve read the book or am interested in reading it. Again, if I turn you down it’s nothing personal and it may be that the content doesn’t fit with my blog or I am busy with something else at the time.  Please note that I require original content, not posted on other blogs, if I agree to a guest post, interview or extract.

I don’t like giving a review of a book I haven’t enjoyed but even critical reviews will be tempered by positive comments as I don’t think it hurts to say something nice. I am quite generous with my ratings – to make me happy a book just has to engage me and make me want to keep picking it up. I tend to read books I think I will enjoy and for that reason the majority of my reviews are favourable.

Please note that acceptance of a book does not guarantee a review.  I will certainly not post a review for a book I have been unable to finish.

The majority of my images and links will come from Amazon and this is purely for ease of posting. I am not affiliated to Amazon in any way.

My reviews can be quoted but must be attributed to Short Book and Scribes and the same goes for any use of my photos. Please do let me know if you do this as I will be so proud and I’ll tell everybody I know!