ShortBookandScribes #BlogTour #Extract from The Lost Sister by Tracy Buchanan @TracyBuchanan @AvonBooksUK
Welcome to my stop on the blog tour for The Lost Sister by Tracy Buchanan. I have a fab extract to share with you today. My thanks to Sabah Khan from Avon Books for the place on the tour.
For the first time in your life, she is going to tell you the truth…
Then: A trip to the beach tore Becky’s world apart. It was the day her mother Selma met the mysterious man she went on to fall in love with, and leave her husband and child for.
Now: It’s been a decade since they last spoke, but Selma has just weeks to live. And she has something important to tell Becky – a secret she been hiding for many years. She had another daughter.
With the loss of her mother, Becky aches to find her sister. She knows she cannot move forward in her life without answers, but who can she really trust?
I beckoned my daughter over, suddenly desperate to cuddle her. She jumped up, weaving around the tables to get to me. She smashed into my arms, putting her cheek against my neck, and I felt utterly overwhelmed with my love for her.
‘She has grown,’ I replied, leaning down to kiss Becky’s head.
‘Seems to every day.’
‘I wish Nathan would,’ Monica said with a sigh as she looked at her son. ‘Amazing the amount of food he puts away and yet still, look at him!’
‘Shut up, Mum,’ her son hissed under his breath. Monica’s face flickered with hurt and I couldn’t help it, I felt sorry for the poor woman. Monica had told me – and anyone else who’d listen – of the trouble she’d had with Nathan at school, the fights he’d got into, the back-chatting too. Becky had mentioned it occasionally too.
I looked down at my own daughter and stroked her soft hair, thinking how lucky I was to have her. A challenge sometimes, yes, like many children. But she was a good girl really.
‘How are the book sales going?’ Monica asked, face alight with excitement.
‘Fine,’ I replied airily. I took a quick sip of gin, the ice clinking against my teeth. ‘You don’t really get told much about sales.’
‘Not even two years after it’s published?’ Greg suddenly piped up.
I tensed. ‘Nope,’ I replied, taking another urgent sip of gin.
‘So when’s the next one out?’ he asked.
All eyes turned to me and I felt my face flush. I usually loved the attention, but not when it came to talk of sales. ‘Winging its way to my publisher very soon,’ I replied in as cheerful a voice as I could muster.
Mike frowned. ‘Really?’
‘Yes, really, darling,’ I said.
‘How exciting!’ Monica exclaimed. ‘Give it time and you’ll be the next Danielle Steel!’
Mike snorted to himself and I shot him a look. ‘One day, maybe,’
I said, forcing a smile. If my husband were more bloody optimistic about my chances anyway, I wanted to add.
Tracy Buchanan lives in Buckinghamshire with her husband, their little girl and their puppy, Bronte. Tracy travelled extensively while working as a travel magazine editor, and has always been drawn to the sea after spending her childhood holidays on the south coast visiting family, a fascination that inspires her writing. She now dedicates her time to writing and procrastinating on Facebook.