
Thanks so much to Kelly Lacey at Love Books Group Blog for nominating me for the Rapid Fire Book Tag. Pop over and have a look at her blog and give her a follow on Twitter @LoveBooksGroup.

So to my answers to the tag:

eBooks or physical books?
Much as I love physical books, I would say ebooks. They don’t take up any space and my Kindle is a lot easier to hold than a physical book.

Paperback or hardback?
Paperback. If I do end up with a hardback I like those ones where the cover is printed rather than a dust jacket.

Online or in-store shopping?
Online. Much easier to browse, you don’t nearly cut your hands in two trying to carry everything and it all gets delivered to your door.

Trilogies or series?
Trilogies. I have a lot of trouble keeping up with series. At least trilogies have an end point.

Heroes or villains?
Hmmm, I think I like heroes best. There’s nothing like a dashing man coming along to save the day.

A book you want everyone to read?

Recommend an underrated book?

The last book you finished?

Weirdest thing you used as a bookmark?
I just use a bookmark. I always use the same one.

Used books, yes or no?
Technically yes, I have no problem with used books, although I much prefer brand new ones.

Top three favourite genres?
Psychological thrillers
Contemporary fiction
Time travel

Borrow or Buy?
Buy (but I do borrow sometimes).

Characters or plot?
Tough one but I do enjoy character driven stories, so characters.

Short or long book?
I like books around 300 pages – not sure if that’s short or long as it depends on what you are comparing it to.

Long or short chapters?
Short so that I can fit more into a reading session. I always try to stop at the end of a chapter.

Book to movie or book to TV adaptation?
TV adaptation.

Name the first three books you think of?
The Escape by C L Taylor (because I can’t wait to read it)

Dead Woman Walking by Sharon Bolton (ditto)

The Beachside Sweet Shop by Karen Clarke (because it was so good)

Books that make you laugh or cry?

Not many books make me do either but I do love it when a book really makes me giggle.

Our world or fictional worlds?
Our world.

Do you ever judge a book by its cover?
Yes, naughty me. I can often tell just from a cover if it’s for me or not.

Series or standalone?
Standalone (see earlier question).

I now am passing the Rapid Fire Book Tag gauntlet to:
@ifindoubtread – ifindoubtread.wordpress.com
@LauraNazmdeh – snazzybooks.com/
‎@saph1re – littlemissnosleep.wordpress.com/


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