#bookreview – The Green Tracksuit by Peter Gordon Elliot @PeterAllears
Today I’m reviewing The Green Tracksuit by Peter Gordon Elliot, which is a quirky little book with a, frankly, quite freaky cover! My thanks to the author for the review copy.
Here’s what the book is about:
A strange, funny, magical, wonder-full evocation of a 1970s Highland childhood. With a truly terrifying darkness at its heart. nine year old Peter, growing up in the beautiful Scottish Highlands, had a magical family life and the freedom of nineteen-seventies. But a sinister encounter late one night on a country road, turns his world upside down, exposing him to grave danger, which will haunt him forever. . .
It’s available now in ebook and paperback.
You know when you look back and your childhood seems full of magical things? Even if it wasn’t exactly a bed of roses, we tend to reminisce and remember the best of times. Well, The Green Tracksuit is Peter Gordon Elliot’s ode to his own childhood in the Highlands of Scotland.
Elliot has a delightfully sardonic tone to his writing and it made me smile a lot. I think his humour is very similar to mine.
“You don’t get to choose your parents, otherwise my dad would have been Richard Branson and my mum would have been Beyoncé Knowles.
‘Dad, can I borrow the plane to go down to the Spar for some Cola Spangles? Or the balloon?’
He obviously had a great love and respect for his parents though and, in particular, describes his father as somebody really important to him. His father had built the house on the croft where the family lived and ‘played’ at farming. It sounds like an idyllic childhood in many ways.
It all took place in the 70s, an era remembered for the hottest summer, a time of space hoppers, pogo sticks, Spangles and Dib Dabs. The sinister encounter and grave danger mentioned in the blurb are quite peculiar and maybe (or maybe not) a figment of a child’s imagination. All great fun, anyway.
The Green Tracksuit is a funny, and somewhat bizarre, tale of the joy of being a 9 year old in a time when play was simple and involved great adventures.
This is my first book, and all your support is appreciated and required if this book is going to become visible on Amazon so many books there and so hard to get noticed.
So please spread the word about my little book, those who have read it are saying great things about it, and that makes me truly proud.
I’m not even sure if a self published book can even be a success, I live in hope that if its good enough it will rise to the top. I hope its good enough.
I love to make people laugh, that’s been my masterplan as a child and as a man, I hope this book makes you laugh and scares you a bit, hopefully it will remind you of your childhood and the freedom of the seventies.
I’m just a chubby man with a laptop and a dream, wouldn’t it be nice if a chubby fifty year old (who doesn’t look it) could write a little book that gets everybody laughing , follow the Chubby dream.