ShortBookandScribes Shines a Spotlight on The Bomb Girl Brides by Daisy Styles @MichaelJBooks #BlogTour
Welcome to my stop on the blog tour for The Bomb Girl Brides by Daisy Styles. I’m afraid I only realised that I hadn’t got my content for this post when it was too late to do anything about it so I’m simply shining a spotlight on what sounds like a lovely read today. My thanks to Katie Ashworth from Michael Joseph Books/Penguin for asking me to be a part of the tour.
The Bomb Girl Brides is the fourth in this series of popular books, following on from:
It’s 1944 and Britain is a country at war. The young women of the Phoenix munitions factory are giving their all to the cause, but romance is beckoning . . .
The life of a Bomb Girl isn’t usually glamourous. But Maggie is getting married, so she is going to make sure her wedding day is – even if she does have to spend every other day slaving on the factory floor.
This blasted factory was not what Julia had in mind either. She had always dreamed of attending Oxford University rather than getting her hands dirty and the easy laughter of the other women intimidate her terribly.
But they are all here together in this munitions factory in a Lancashire mill town, sharing firsts, pitching in and getting on. Despite rationing, dangerous hard work and new situations these Bomb Girls are going to do their best at work, and in love.
I love the sound of this series. Hope you do too.
Daisy Styles grew up in Lancashire surrounded by a family and community of strong women whose tales she loved to listen to. It was from these women, particularly her vibrant mother and Irish grandmother, that Daisy learned the art of storytelling. There was also the landscape of her childhood – wide, sweeping, empty moors and hills that ran as far as the eye could see – which was a perfect backdrop for a saga, a space big enough and wild enough to stage a drama, one about women’s lives during the Second World War.