#blogtour – The Elf King by Lorraine Hellier @rararesources #GuestPost #fantasy #childrensbooks
Welcome to my stop on the blog tour for The Elf King by Lorraine Hellier. Thank you to Rachel Gilbey from Rachel’s Random Resources for asking me to take part.
Lorraine will be talking about her typical writing day further down this post, but first here’s what the book is about.
Bay Leaf is the new Elf King and must take his Oath of Allegiance. His sister, Sweet Pea, demonstrates her love and support on a perilous journey to the Mountain Shrine.
An enchanted book offers advice and guidance from their ancestors and warns Sweet Pea to take care of her brother. Will her interference resolve Bay Leaf’s heartache?
Purchase from Amazon UK
A “typical writing day” by Lorraine Hellier
Thank you for inviting me to your blog.
Does a writer have a “typical writing day?” In my experience the answer has to be not really. It depends at what stage my writing is at.
Every writer is different. I usually concentrate on one novel at a time but when writing a series they can overlap. Ideas for other projects I make a note of before I forget them!
I check my emails first and reply to any which are likely to distract from writing.
Brainstorming an idea or character usually begins a new project. In the early stages my first draft is always long-hand. Chapter by chapter I then type up usually rephrasing sentences.
Research can be time consuming. For example recently I have been looking at which herbs the elves can use for medicinal purposes.
Editing, Editing and Editing again! Several drafts later I sit quietly and read aloud the whole manuscript. This picks up any repeated words and phrases that don’t sound right and also inconsistencies, before I hand over to an editor to read.
I am a member of the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators, an International Organisation, with Regional groups around the country. I meet with our Central and West Regional group and also a local writers group. We exchange submissions and offer constructive critiques. I enjoy the opportunity to read other writers submissions.
There are days when I may be preparing for a local school visit, Creative Writing Workshop or event. I may be making bookmarks or preparing worksheets.
To summarise – I don’t think I have a typical writing day. Every day is a new adventure and I like the variety of the process. From first idea, whether it was a dream I had last night or a picture, place or conversation I heard, to the finished novel in my hand, the journey is an exciting mixture. There will be interesting feedback from another writer which enhances my project to the boring but essential editing. Some days are easier than others and family commitments will obviously take over but as I said every writer is different.
Thank you, Lorraine. I’m sure you wouldn’t want every writing day to be the same anyway.
Lorraine writes from her canal-side home near the cathedral city of Lichfield, Staffordshire. She visits local schools offering Author Visits and Creative Writing Workshops. She is a member of the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators supporting and encouraging other members.
Lorraine loves to travel, a visit to New Zealand inspired this novel.
The sequel “The Elf Quest” will be published April 2018.
Thank you for featuring me and my novel on your blog. Your support is really appreciated.
My pleasure, Lorraine. Thank you for writing such an interesting guest post.